Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 42: Updating my Website and CARpe Diem!

I have my daughter-in-law, Stella, to thank for inspiring me to work on Goal #58 on my list of 60 goals:

Update Website with my coaching / training / writing accomplishments

Last week, Stella sent me an email telling me she'd wanted to learn Web design and had already created a mock-up of a new Website for me, pulling in from elements of my current Website and blog.  This was a great reminder of my goal to get my Website updated and also just what I needed to help me think through what I want to do in this next chapter of my life!

As much as I loved the work I did as an Agile Consultant,  I have really been enjoying the freedoms of not having to go into an office or sit for hours in front of the computer.

However, I really enjoy part-time freelance work as a coach, trainer, and writer.  I also have toyed with the idea of moving more into personal coaching and hosting workshops and retreats.

My Website and my Professional Blog were both extremely out-of-date. I made some updates to the content on both of them and I'll work with Stella to get my new look and feel!

Meanwhile, I also gave my car a new look and feel with a colorful wrap. What's really amazing is that Stella created the mockup site above without even knowing about my car and look how well they match! As usual, she knows exactly what I love!

Even though I hate marketing, I can add a URL to my wrap and then write off part of the cost as a business expense!

What worked well:
  • Really good to reflect on what kind of work I want to do in this next phase of life
  • Love updating my branding and coaching to incorporate Carpe Diem lifestyle and colors
  • I practiced doing personal coaching with friends and got positive feedback
  • So nice of Stella to pro-actively do some Website design for me and amazing that she picked colors and a design that matched my car without even knowing about the car!
  • Good to review and revamp my old Wordpress blog
  • Love my new colorful car and happy that I'll be able to use it for marketing and have a business expense
What could be better:
  • Even though I updated my old site and blog, I still haven't migrated to the new look and feel
  • I'm still not sure I want to work at all, so am reluctant to do any marketing quite yet. I may save that for next year, since I still have so many other things I have planned for the rest of this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“I practiced doing personal coaching with friends and got positive feedback.”

Are the lectures I receive from you actually personal coaching in disguise?