Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Home for My Blog

I'm new in this neighborhood. I've been experimenting with blogging for the past few months at: which is a blog about the ups and downs of being single in your 40's. I'm reading an excellent book that is a compilation of outstanding essays put together by Jan Ganahl: Single Woman of a Certain Age. I highly recommend it for any single woman over 40.

I'm switching blog sites for a few reasons, one of them being that it looks like this site allows for reader's comments. I know from my site meter that my current blog has it's share of readers, but there wasn't a way to comment for each entry. I'd really like more interaction and to hear feedback and ideas from others!

With 2006 around the corner, my resolve to write more is strong! My love life is not that exciting...I almost named this blog "No Sex in the Suburbs"...but I'll try to throw a few juicy postings in once in awhile. After researching how strangers were finding my current blog, it appears a good number of them were searching on the word "errotica". It just so happened that I did use that word once in my blog, but I'm afraid the content was a far cry from errotica. More appropriate keywords would be: relationships, midlife, single, parenting, dating, divorced and... lonely? well, hopefully, that word is showing up less and less often.

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