Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Most Unusual Garden in Denver

Today, I went to Denver to take a trolley ride. Well, being extremely navigationally challenged, I could not find the trolley station, but instead found this chain link fence at Union Station decorated by the Ladies Fancywork Society. They had "crocheted" the whole chain link fence with yarn, making it like a garden. (Maybe they used the "chain-link" stitch!) It's reasons like this that I take my camera with me everywhere! I love finding these serendipitous works of art in odd places. It's like coming across a treasure!

This is just one of many fun pieces of art I found unexpectedly this month. I tried to post the others, but I'm running into blogger issues, so it will have to wait. For now, I will just tell you to visit Union Station at the end of the 16th Street Mall to see this unusual garden!

1 comment:

rebecca @ altared spaces said...

It just so happens I am in Denver today, a mere stroll from the place you describe! Lucky for me you've posted about this garden and I will get to go see what's blooming with my own eyes!