Saturday, October 30, 2010

Love Humor: The Perfect Man

This YouTube video is from the "Smack the Pony" dating series. I'd seen it once before, but I found it again on this recent post from the popular blog Hooking up Smart: Boyfriend Wanted: Clumsy Thumbs Need Not Apply. Interesting post about geek-snobs who expect their dates to be as geeky as they are.

Are you a geek-snob? Have we gotten too picky about who we date?


Popo said...

Super hilarious! I think I read this profile many different times on the web. Of course, none of us think we are like this! Maybe a consultant would be in order to find out from a third party to make sure. Yvette, is this how you've approached dating nowadays??

My Carpe Diem Life said...

Hi Popo!
I'm not sure what you're asking. When you ask "Is "this" how you've approached dating?" are you asking if I've resorted to video dating, if I've put out requirements such as "needing to fly" (and other "specifications")or if I hire a consultant for my profile?

Regardless of your question, my answer is: "No comment!"

Popo said...

More specifically, I was asking if these are the questions you are now using on your video profile as you seek the perfect male partner. Then I was wondering out loud if we should all have a consultant to prevent these atrocities if they may, in fact, be still occuring without our realization.