Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Snow and I are taking a little break...

This time Snow has gone too far. Hey, I've told him all along that I was never serious. I've always been honest with him and told him that he needs to give me space, but he refuses to listen to me. He can be SO flaky! By Spring, I admit, I'm fed up. I'm highly intolerant of his presence and I just need to get away. I'd planned my escape for a Spring Break surprise visit to Sacramento. When I heard on the radio that Snow was planning on visiting Denver at that time, I taunted, "Ha Ha, Snow! Go ahead and come to Colorado while I'm gone! I'll be basking in California with the one I really love..Sun. He is something you'll never be... HOT!"

Well, it appears this maddened Snow because then he proceeded in making my life miserable. As I inched my way to the RTD park-n-ride yesterday, he splattered my windshield. To add insult to injury, he completely dumped on me when I got out of my car. Soaked and blinded by the mascara-induced tears, I unsuccessfully attempted to push soggy bills into the parking machine. Snow may have thought I'd succumb to this madness, but I persevered, willing to get a parking ticket if necessary.

I rode the very late and very slow bus and rejoiced that I could ignore Snow and let the bus driver deal with him. I'd given myself extra time and knew I soon would be free of his nasty tantrum.

But it was not to be. Snow continued his hissy-fit by attacking the plane, leaving airline personnel telling us every half hour that "they were working on de-icing." I felt a twinge of guilt for not warning them that it was all my fault. I never should have snubbed Snow. I looked out the window and tried to make up: "Snow, you're beautiful and I love you at Christmas, but please... let me go visit Sun! Do you realize you're not just detaining me, but all these other people? Even that poor young mother with the infant and increasingly loud and annoying toddler?"

Snow didn't listen. After 4 hours of waiting, the airline personnel finally cancelled the flight and told us we could rebook at the counter between gates 35 and 36. I calmly proceeded to the counter to find a line that most certainly must have been the longest line in recorded history. Where's Guinness with his World Record book when you need him? Since I hadn't been able to get a workout in, I appreciated the mile long trek to the back of the line. The poor mother and her screaming toddler were close behind me. I remembered the days when Megan was a screaming toddler and how upset I was when I'd heard an impatient man saying: "They should put a muzzle on that kid." At last, I could finally understand how that man felt.

When standing in lines at amusement parks, Scotty and I often play a game where we calculate our estimated wait time, based on our observations of how quickly the line is moving and our placement in line. We're experienced enough at this now that we're amazingly accurate. With this perfected algorithm, I calculated that if I stayed in that line, I would have been at the front at 3:05pm March 31, 2011. I decided I'd be better off trying to catch the last bus home and calling Frontier to try and get rebooked.

I dug my car out of the Park-n-Ride parking lot, braved the midnight storm, and tunnelled my car through the unplowed neighborhood streets, not getting stuck until I got to the edge of my driveway. I stepped out of the car, sinking and tripping, Snow filling my shoes and caking my pants as I lugged my suitcase and laptop up my driveway trying to keep them out of Snow's wet grasp. I did not give Snow the satisfaction of reacting. I simply said, "Fine... Stay tonight. But if you think I'm going to be lying down and making snow angels with you, you are sadly mistaken."

Today Snow has calmed down a little and I'm trying again to go visit Sun. Snow can be a tumultuous wind-bag, but I admit, he has a side to him that can be peaceful. If only he'd learn not to push the limits, I might even enjoy him. We'll get through this. He'll melt and next year I'll enjoy his sparkles.

But for now... I'm off to visit Sun at last! Hooray!

1 comment:

design4life said...

This little ditty on Snow is so, so cute. You should send it to some magazine! looking forward to seeing you this Saturday.