Monday, May 24, 2010

Come Join the Virtual Book Club About Love

I love books. I love book clubs. I love books about love. Put that all together and it seems obvious what I need: A book club about love books!

I was going to start a new Meetup, but I thought: Why limit this club to only people in the area? It would be great to do it virtually and get participation from people all over the world!

This will be great research for my next book: Lessons of Love from a Laptop Dancer. Research about love topics will be so much more fun if I can discuss the topics with people and get your thoughts and stories.

So, here's how I envision it working:

I'll have a schedule of books that will be reviewed and discussed. If you are interested in the book, join in the discussion! There are three ways to join in the discussion:

* Subscribe to and comment on the Lessons of Love from a Laptop Dancer blog
* Join and comment on the Laptop Dancer Diaries Facebook Page
* Write your own blog post about the topic being discussed and leave a link, either on the blog, the Facebook page, or both.

The first book I want to review is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin starting June 1, 2010. Even though it's about Happiness, rather than Love, I think the two are related. I also am using Gretchen and her wildly successful book as a model for how to write and market a book about an emotion. She researched Happiness and I'm researching Love. Her writing style is different from mine -- my book will be less academic and sillier -- but I really respect her work and her success. Maybe we can even get her to comment on the blog!

So, if you know people that might be interested, spread the word! Here's a short post that can be used to Tweet:

Join Virtual Book Club. First book: The Happiness Project starting June 1:

Looking forward to it!


Micah D.L. said...

BOOK CLUBS! If there's one going on starting in January, I'm totally in! I'm running low on time between work and school so once school is done, I definitely want to do a book club!

My Carpe Diem Life said...

Hi Micah,
My (current) plan is to do one book a month for about 10 months to get enough material for my own book. So, if all goes well, I'll still be doing this in January. Or maybe I'll keep doing it even after I have enough material for another book of my own.

In any case, feel free to pop in when and if you have time. The nice thing about it being on a blog is that there's no commitment to participate, so just do whatever you have time for and we'll hope to see you active in January! Good luck with finishing up school!

Rachel said...

Looking forward to it. I'm lucky -- I've already read The Happiness Project so I get a cheat month! It's a perfect choice, I think....

Rachel @ MWF Seeking BFF

My Carpe Diem Life said...

Yay, Rachel! I know it's not the same as a BFF, but virtual friends are great, too! Since you have your own blog, I'll add you on my blog roll, and as we discuss the book (or any time!) feel free to leave a longer comment in the form of a link to your own blog post if you want.