I've been really promoting Carpe Diem Day throughout February. I admit, I've had ups and downs in my mood throughout the month. I've had a lot of mixed feelings about throwing another virtual party, but Super Carpe Diem Woman does not let insecurities stop her, so the party is on.
I'm especially grateful for the people who are attending this soiree since I know, even I, am tiring of virtual get-togethers... especially when I don't know most of the other people. At least with real parties, you can hover around the food table or imbibe in party drinks when you don't know people. With virtual parties, I spend most of the time evaluating my appearance, constantly adjusting the angle of the camera so as not to show my wrinkly neck.
I'm trying to keep the "theme" and "games" for this party very easy and optional so as not to lose those coveted friends and family who are planning on coming. I'm also trying to figure out how I can keep people entertained, yet not put them on the spot. Virtual party hosting is a tough gig!
I've decided on this activity:
Each guest comes up with a "Carpe Diem" Event or Moment, real or fiction, that they've had in the past year and tell the rest of the group about it. The rest of the group can ask questions and then mark whether we think the person is lying or telling the truth. (This is sort of a variation of Two Truths and a Lie.")
Each person that gets the right answer gets a point. The story-teller gets a point for each person he/she fools. Keep track of your own points, that don't really matter anyway, because it's just a game!
Now for all those people who are thinking: "How could we have any Carpe Diem Events or Moments in the past year?" I (rather indignantly) reply: My definition of "Carpe Diem" is living life fully in spite of the challenges you're facing! Carpe Diem Day was inspired by my friend who had ALS and he was living fully with much greater challenges than a pandemic.
For each of the people who have RSVP'ed 'Yes' to my party, I offer up these examples of Carpe Diem experiences we've had together in this past year. In many cases, I had a hard time picking just one.. there were so many! I look forward to many more post-pandemic!
Mom (Sacramento, CA)
Mom, I'm so happy that you will be at my 61rst birthday party! Every phone call with you is a "Carpe Diem" experience for me, but I'm especially proud that you are embracing technology and using Zoom! I was so excited when we had the entire family together on Zoom for Easter! I also enjoy that we can do our own version of "Book of the Month" club!
Mom and I on a Zoom call doing our own "Book of the Month" Club |
Michele (West Hills, CA)
Michele, you've been my biggest supporter throughout my life. Whether I'm up or down, you listen. You help me think through challenges and celebrate my joys. I'm especially grateful for the many long "walk and talks" we've had, both venting (when necessary) and getting exercise! I missed our annual in-person winter visit, but was happy to enjoy so many long talks, including this New Year's Eve celebratory chat. It's a "Carpe Diem moment" for me whenever you text me a picture of purple flowers or anything!
New Year's Eve with Michele and Ray |
Tony (Gainesville, FL)
Tony, I just love how much I've gotten to know you through Facebook and your awesome participation in my Carpe Diem Day activities! I love your positivity, creativity and your willingness to seize every day! A Carpe Diem moment for me was your excellent entry into the National Umbrella Day contest! Congratulations on the win! Looking forward to more Carpe Diem events to come!
Fun and creative umbrella picture from Tony! |
Jack(ster) (San Francisco, CA)
Jackster! I always love your quirky sense of humor and things you do to surprise me. The candy bar that you sent to me and Becky for Easter and the chocolate popcorn for Christmas were both Carpe Diem surprises. I'm impressed how you're always pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things! I'm especially grateful for your participation in my Summer Virtual Carpe Diem party and my January New Month's Eve Virtual Party!
Jack at my Summer Virtual Carpe Diem Party |
Jaka (Lafayette, CO)
Jaka, you are such a sweet and talented friend! Remember on New Year's Day in 2019 when you saved me from freezing to death? And I so enjoy your music.. especially, "Yellow"! But the "Carpe Diem" moment I'll remember from 2020 is when we discovered this amazing patch of wildflowers on a hike. Such beauty!
Jaka and I find a patch of beautiful wildflowers at Four Mile Canyon Creek |
Mary (Boulder, CO)
Mary, I feel so lucky for all the hikes and adventures we got to share since we've met. I love your adventurous spirit and how you are so willing to accept my invitations, whether it's for a silly scavenger hunt mission, a virtual party, or a challenging hike. My Carpe Diem memory with you was our CluedUp game we played as "Witchy Women" in Boulder on Halloween. It was such a sunny afternoon and this lunch on Pearl Street with mimosas was the first time eating out in months!
Pearl Street lunch on Halloween after playing CluedUp Mystery game |
Cathy (Louisville, CO)
Cathy, I always feel like I'm having a "Carpe DiYUM Experience" when we're visiting on your beautiful patio. You're such a talented gardener, musician, cook, and hostess. You always make me feel special with your healthy recipes and treats. Your whimsical garden decor, flowers, and thoughtfulness always fill me with joy. Carpe Diem experiences with you include seeing your art exhibit on display at Paul's, you cutting my bangs, picnicking in my back yard, and of course, wine and chocolate!
Wine and chocolate in Cathy's beautiful patio garden |
Lee (Delmar, Maryland)
Lee, you are my newest friend in this little Carpe Diem crowd, and such an absolute delight! How lucky am I that you joined my
Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group and quickly became an MVP! Or should I say, the
Marvelous M'DLee! Your playful and creative photos, emails, and posts have captured my heart. And, of course, your Carpe Diem celebration and romantic story move me to tears. I'm so honored to know you and that I will have a piece of Brian's legacy to treasure.
M'DLee telling the story of her Carpe Diem Day plans via a "bed-in" interview! |
Sonja (Boulder, CO)
Sonja, you have so many talents - you're incredible gardens and hospitality make me feel like the queen when I visit your home. And I'm in awe of your gorgeous home-made cards, artistic talent, and organizational skills! I feel so lucky that we had many Carpe Diem moments together despite the pandemic... Enjoying Grease at the park, your garden party, and making "friendship coins," Virtual GGG meetings, or receiving one of your one-of-a-kind cards in the mail.
On Sonja's patio enjoying all of her talented creations! |
Lisa and Steve (Apple Valley, MN)
Lisa and Steve, how lucky that we got a visit in Mexico in January for Mallory's wedding before the Pandemic hit! It was such a bummer that we didn't get to see each other for the annual August Island reunion, but I feel excited about our upcoming plans! My "Carpe Diem" moment with you both during the pandemic was on New Year's Eve! Always fun to talk and laugh whether it's on the phone, via text, on Zoom, and.. soon.. in person!!
Lisa and Steve on New Year's Eve |
Michael & Paula (Louisville, CO)
Michael, how many years has it been? 15? Every Friday at 7am! I'm glad that this pandemic didn't stop our long-standing weekly tradition. Maybe we don't order up Starbuck's coffees these days, but I can always count on you for my Friday dose of deep critical thinking conversing! It's a tradition that I hope continues for the rest of our lives! I certainly consider every Friday morning a Carpe Diem experience as I savor our conversations, whether we're talking about something serious or silly. And so glad to have my "sister-wife," Paula, in my life as well.
Michael and I on our Virtual Starbucks Friday Morning call
Becky (Sarasota, FL)
Oh, Chica... What would I have done without you this past year? I feel so lucky to have been under your welcoming roof when the world was first under lock-down. You provided the calm to keep me grounded. Your wisdom is invaluable and you've helped me grow in so many ways. The number of "Carpe Diem moments" I experienced with you are too many to mention. Your support, your playfulness, your advice, and your deep understanding are unparalleled. "Being with BB" has proven to be a priceless experience that will stay with me forever.
Becky ready for a Virtual Dance Party! |
Nancie (Hawaii)
Nancie, I can always count on you to play my games, participate in my virtual parties, and be 'all in' for fun! You fill my inbox with humor and always have your eyes open for a great travel deal. I can't wait for our trip to Mexico in November! Even though you had to get up early to attend, here you are at my Summer Virtual Carpe Diem Party.
Nancie at the Summer Carpe Diem Party |
Rebecca Ritter (Denver, CO)
Rebecca, I feel so lucky to have had your friendship for so many years! We only saw each other once in person this year -- when we went to see this field of sunflowers... only to find out they were mostly dead. But so nice that you were willing to go check it out with me. (This year, we'll get there earlier!) Even though, I don't have any pictures, I've appreciated the long phone calls, texts, and your sweet and thoughtful friendship.
Sunflower viewing with Rebecca |
Laura (Boulder, CO)
Besides her day job as software developer, Laura is also a very talented musician and writer. Before Covid hit, I had the opportunity to see her many times playing her bass at various music events. She also loves horses and travel. My "Carpe Diem" moment with her during Covid was at my New Year's Eve party, but I know of some more exciting happenings in Laura's life. I'll stay quiet about those in case she wants to use one of those at the party1
New Year's Eve with Laura |
Stella (and maybe Matt) (Denver, CO)Stella, my daughter-in-law, as well as my son, Matt, have been an amazing source of support for Carpe Diem Day and everything else in my life! I've met regularly with Stella over Zoom all year, often to study Spanish, but also to get her advice on everything from social media to real-estate investing. She's a super-bright and thoughtful young woman who goes way above and beyond in everything she does. We haven't been in person together since the lock-down, but I'm so grateful for our weekly virtual visits.
New Year's Eve! I'm wearing the creative "Carpe" Diem hat that Stella made for me! |
Adam or "Q" (Boulder, CO)
Q! We got to have many 'Carpe Diem experiences' with, even during this past year. You celebrated National Cheesecake Day with me with a picnic in my back yard, National Curmudgeon and National Deep Thinker Day with me at Boulder Creek, and... most importantly, Carpe Diem Day, by bringing me sushi for lunch on my special day! Thank you for your quirkiness and always being there. I know you don't like to smile for the camera, but I know you're smiling inside (and I'm smiling inside and out!)

Bill (Santa Clara, CA)Bill, I'm so impressed with your creativity with all you do! Your cards throughout the years are treasured and your generosity with any of my events, whether it's raising money for a cause, participating in a virtual party, or meeting up for dinner when we're in the same city. Even though we didn't get to see each other in person this year, it's always a Carpe Diem moment for me when I hear from you. I'm always so happy to get your annual "Walk In Her Shoes" invitation and love the picture to show you did it!
As I've written this blog post I realize how truly blessed I am to have these amazing people in my life. "Seizing the Day" does not have to be about seeing new exotic places or experiencing rare new things. It can be simply savoring the moments of love and connection we get from the people in our lives.
Carpe Diem!
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