Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Website Wednesday: Websites about Affirmations - #love2011

The Love Project has gotten off to a good start. I'm having a lot of fun with the assignment for Week 1 - emmulating the video of a little girl who enthusiastically gives herself affirmations. Now this week, the videos I've collected have been primarily from my friends. I hope in the future, bloggers and others who are joining into this project will send me links to their own sites which I can share on Website Wednesday. It's not too late to be added. Just add a comment and I will add you to the list.

But even though I haven't gotten links from all of you (yet), I found oodles of cool sites, products, and blogs about affirmations that I want to share. There are actually so many that there are way too many for list all of them, but here are a sampling:

Products, eBooks, and Websites

Power Affirmations - This one will let you download affirmations in .mp3 format. First you can take an assessment to see which kind of affirmations will help you the most, so you can download the

Why Affirmations Fail and the Building Blocks of Great Affirmations - Fans of Law of Attraction and the Secret will like this one.

Mind Zoom Affirmations Subliminal Software

Thoughts Empowered - eBook about the use of affirmations to achieve positive thinking

The Custom Mind Movie Series - uses cutting edge subliminal visual and audio technology to help people manifest their dreams and desires by helping them to activate the Law of Attraction
Self Esteem Secrets Revealed - Learn what it takes to build self-esteem in 7 easy steps

Creative Affirmations - site in which you can sign up for free daily affirmations, newsletters and read articles and techniques about affirmations.

Blogs about Affirmations

Today's Confetti: I can do anything good. - Today, she blogged about the Jessica video, too!

Gratefulkim's Blog: Resolution, schmesoltion, Affirmations & Anniversaries - Interesting and well-written insights

God, Self, Bliss: Affirmations

Beth Parker's Art Blog: Ralphie - Frog Painting


Not enough?
Affirmations Websites - This page lists other websites (lots of them) about affirmations!


shirlnutkin said...
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shirlnutkin said...

i will be getting on the love2011 train soon ... meanwhile, here is my little share about your project over on girlnutkin. i threw in ideas about how non-bloggers can give it a shot.