Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Sixty and Me: Aging Beautifully Cards


This month I've been writing about Health Aging in honor of Older Americans Month! As usual, once I start blogging about a theme, I end up finding a plethora of resources, often one leading to another.

Yesterday, when I was searching for a photo for my Joyful Aging blog post, I found a video by Margaret Manning of Sixty and Me: The Joy of Aging in a Magnificently Disgraceful Way!

Her message was similar to the Joyful Aging article that I blogged about yesterday. Rather than describing aging in the stereotypical "graceful" way, why not come up with other adjectives that are not so typically associated with aging?  Outrageously, passionately, mysteriously? 

Margaret challenged her listeners to add their own adjective to the comments, and since I'd just written about Joyful Aging, I added a simple comment that said, "Joyfully."

Even though this YouTube video and its last comment was over 6 years old, I got a little notice that my comment had been loved (with the little heart emoji.) How nice!

Well, that prompted me to blog about Sixty and Me today! I'd checked out the community a few years ago, and boy has it grown!  There are all kinds of articles for sassy sixty+ gals like myself!  There's also a YouTube channel and that's where I found the Aging Beautifully Cards!

I love that these cards are reminding us of the many beautiful things we can experience as we age.  Sixty and Me and the resources that I'm highlighting this month are helping to change the outdated, negative stereotypes associated with aging!

I think Margaret Manning started Sixty and Me when she turned 60 herself and look how far its come! She inspires me to maybe do something like this with Carpe Diem Connections..  or maybe I'll just enjoy being part of the Sixty and Me tribe.

Whatever my journey turns out to be, whatever new experiences I have or people I meet - I'm looking forward to "Aging Beautifully!"


1 comment:

Margaret Manning said...

Thank you so much for sharing! Glad Sixty and Me has been an inspiration for you! Margaret x